供應聚氨酯管托 專業廠家供應
產品優勢: 1) 導熱系數低,保冷絕熱效果優良; 2) 抗壓性高、抗曲性好; 3) 閉孔率高,吸水率低; 參考資料:http://www.jxfqbw.cn[1] 4) 火焰阻燃性能優良; 5) 防腐性能強,不霉不蛀; 6) 注模成型、配以機械切割,可滿足不同厚度的保冷設計要求;
聚氨酯管托,即高密度聚氨酯保冷管托,系由異氰酸酯與聚醚為主原料,再加上發泡劑、觸媒和阻燃劑,經高速攪拌混合反應生成的具有塑膠、橡膠和軟木特性的發泡聚合體。泡體是由成千上萬極微小均勻的獨立細胞組成,呈立體蜂窩式的結構。其熱傳導率低、抗壓強度高、吸水率低,有瀝青木制品及其他類襯墊物*的優良性質,是深冷管道管托、鞍座及低溫設備墊塊的理想材料。在國內及歐美國家用于石油化工基地、LNG液化氣廠、冷鏈基地及中央空調系統之管托、支吊架及墊塊等。 參考資料:http://www.jxfqbw.cn
[1] High density PU pipe support is a new kind of foaming polymer with the features of plastic, rubber and softwood. It is created through high speed stirring with the main raw material of isocyanate and polyether added with vesicant, catalyst or flame retardants. The foaming body is a structure like a three-dimensional honeycomb, which is made up of ten thousands of isolated cells. It has low thermal conductivity, high compressive strength, and low water adsorption, it has excellent properties which asphalt-wood products and other pads difficult to compare. It’s ideal material for cold pipe supports and equipment pads. It is used as pipe supports, cradles and equipment pads in petrochemical industry, LNG liquefied gas factory, cold-chain base and central air conditioner both in domestic and foreign.
1) 導熱系數低,保冷絕熱效果優良; 2) 抗壓性高、抗曲性好; 3) 閉孔率高,吸水率低; 參考資料:http://www.jxfqbw.cn
[1] 4) 火焰阻燃性能優良; 5) 防腐性能強,不霉不蛀; 6) 注模成型、配以機械切割,可滿足不同厚度的保冷設計要求; Products advantages: 1) Low thermal conductivity, good effect of cold insulation; 2) High compressive and flexural strength; 3) High ratio of closed cell, while with low water absorption; 4) Excellent flame retarding; 5) Strong protection from corrosion, mould and worm eating; 6) Fabricated in molds and NC mechanical cutting in advance, various thicknesses per cold conservation requirements.
Technical Data 特性
Property 單位
Unit 技術指標
密 度
Density Kg/m 160 250 300 350 450 550
Thermal conductivity W/m.K ≤0.038 ≤0.046 ≤0.050 ≤0.070 ≤0.080 ≤0.090
Compressive strength MPa ≥1.6 ≥2.5 ≥4.6 ≥7.0 ≥10 ≥15
Water absorption g/100cm ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤1.5 ≤1.5 ≤1.5
Close cell ratio % ≥90
The proposed service temp. ℃ -196~+150以上是供應聚氨酯管托的詳細介紹,如果你想更詳細地了解供應聚氨酯管托 的價格、廠家、型號及規格,請直接供應商 大城縣玉航管托廠 //